11 oC

Wednesday, October 23

Today is a name day for
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

St. Arseny Orthodox Church in Krape

Address Krape parish, Ogre municipality

The church was built of split stones in 1891, with red bricks around the windows and doors, in the bell tower and the cornices. The church was meant to seat 250 people. The wall and ceiling paintings, as well as an iconostasis, are the objects of interest in the church. The church is an architectural monument of regional importance.



Listen to the audio guide’s story about this site:


  1. Download the free app "Ogres novadnieks";
  2. In the section "Tourism" find the object no. 84;
  3. Tap the icon "Audio guide" and listen to the tale.


The mobile app "Ogres novadnieks" is available on app stores: