3 oC

Saturday, February 1

Today is a name day for
Indars, Indra, Brigita, Indris

Vērene Manor

Address Madliena parish, Ogre municipality

Built in 1771, the manor house and a barn have been preserved from the former manor complex. There is a park with more than 20 foreign plant species and a scenic 4-km-long oak alley leading to the manor. At present, the manor complex is in critical condition and can only be viewed from the outside. It is an architectural monument of national significance.



Listen to the audio guide’s story about this site:


  1. Download the free app "Ogres novadnieks";
  2. In the section "Tourism" find the object 91;
  3. Tap the icon "Audio guide" and listen to the tale.


The mobile app "Ogres novadnieks" is available on app stores: