10 oC

Tuesday, October 22

Today is a name day for
Irīda, Īrisa

Vērene Fire Lookout Tower

Address Madliena parish, Ogre municipality

This unique 33-metre-high fire observation tower has been operating since 1974. Today, it is the only fire lookout tower in Latvia with sliced wood shingles. The tower is currently being used by the State Forest Service to provide fire safety functions by early detection of fires. There is also the largest elm stand in Latvia near the tower. The Vērene fire lookout tower can only be viewed from the outside.


Listen to the audio guide’s story about this site:


  1. Download the free app "Ogres novadnieks";
  2. In the section "Tourism" find the objects 83;
  3. Tap the icon "Audio guide" and listen to the tale.


The mobile app "Ogres novadnieks" is available on app stores: