10 oC

Wednesday, October 23

Today is a name day for
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

The Environmental objects - Ogre logo

Address Krasta square and Mālkalnes prospekts, Ogre
WWW www.visitogre.lv

One of the environmental objects is located between the church and the Ogre riverbank. It features the word OGRE on a mirror background. By viewing this piece of art, one can see themselves and take notice of significant values in the city. The mirror reflects an architectural site - the church, with plenty of nature seeping into the view.

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Ogre, and the centenary of Latvia, an art installation was made in the square of Mālkalnes prospekts. It is the logo of the Ogre Municipality. The object has a stone foundation, which symbolizes the location of Ogre on eskers. The author of the installation is Aigars Zemītis.