10 oC

Thursday, October 24

Today is a name day for
Renāte, Modrīte, Mudrīte

Grāmatu klēts (Book Barn) – A Collection of Exiled Latvian Literature

Address Ozolu street 3, Laubere, Laubere parish, Ogre municipality
Phone +371 65037326
E-mail lauberes.biblioteka@inbox.lv

Grāmatu klēts (The Book Barn) is a library collected and donated to Laubere civil parish by Latvian exiles.  It was set up in the Laubere parish library in 1991. The collection of books mainly consists of those received from Vilis Miķelsons, a Latvian residing in the USA. Over time, many books sent by the Latvians living in other countries have been added to the collection.



Listen to the audio guide’s story about this site:


  1. Download the free app "Ogres novadnieks";
  2. In the section "Tourism" find the object no. 50;
  3. Tap the icon "Audio guide" and listen to the tale.


The mobile app "Ogres novadnieks" is available on app stores: