-4 oC

Sunday, February 23

Today is a name day for
Haralds, Almants

The Oak Grove of Latvian Civil Parishes

Address Madliena, Ogres Municipality


On April 30, 2004, just one day before Latvia became a Member State of the European Union, representatives of Latvian rural territories gathered in Madliena to create a message for the future generations. On this day, 453 oak trees were planted (the exact number of parishes in Latvia at that time). The location for the oak grove was chosen based on the historical fact that Madliena had been recognized to be the geographical centre of Latvia in 1938. Over time, several small but significant projects have been implemented to improve and develop the oak grove.

The network of cobblestone and gravel pathways symbolises the roots of a tree, the twist of which combine into a tree trunk with seven areas shaped like acorns. Here, you can also find an information stand about the nature of Latvia, and view the clouds and stars from the Imants Ziedonis’s sky-gazing bed. It is a message to the parishes’ residents, guests and tourists about the creative connection between the Latvian genius - poet, publicist and social worker Imants Ziedonis (1933–2013) and Madliena civil parish.